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          In lecture 08: Functions and sequences to explain the functions, the example taken in the video is Reading.mch. The link for downloading the Reading.mch is incorrectly going to Results.mch.

Kindly upload the correct file on the link provided for Reading.mch.

Prashant Sharma
General Discussion / Re: HEX code generator ?
« Last post by Thierry Lecomte on May 15, 2019, 03:09:21 AM »
To be more precise, HEX code generator supports a subset of the B0 language / with additional constraints. For example:
  • types limited to INTEGER types limited to uint8_, uint16_ and uint32_
  • single condition for IF THEN ELSE (meaning tests have to be nested), with testing operators in =, <, <=
  • local variables (clause VAR IN) have to be typed before used with the var: (var: type) substitution
  • no computation in operation call and test: computation has to be performed before the operation call / test
  • no operation call in initialisation
  • digital inputs/outputs take values in {IO_OFF, IO_ON}

but also provides some extensions with predifined operators (bitwise and arithmetic).
General Discussion / Re: HEX code generator ?
« Last post by Thierry Lecomte on May 14, 2019, 02:44:43 AM »
The HEX code generator is for PIC32 programs (binary format). It is embedded in the Atelier CLEARSY Safety Platform in one of the two chains providing binaries (

This code generator is not (yet) part of the Atelier B.
General Discussion / HEX code generator ?
« Last post by Atelier B fan on May 13, 2019, 04:06:01 AM »

In the lecture 2 (2'45), you mentionned an HEX code generator. Is it available right now with Atelier B ? How to use it ?
General Discussion / Welcome to MOOC FORUM!
« Last post by Forum Mooc on December 21, 2018, 08:26:14 AM »
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